Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Aerosmith Calls Eric Cantor Out For Copyright Infringement

When I posted that video from GOP House Whip Eric Cantor yesterday, I wondered to myself how long it would take Aerosmith to get in his face about playing their song. Members of Aerosmith (except for Joe Perry) are no fans of the Republican Party and hearing their work in a deceptive ad is by one of its leaders has to be rather ear-wrenching. Anyways, the response didn't take long, and since Cantor put it on YouTube, YouTube was able to quickly pull it for a copyright violation.

From TPM:

Poor House Republicans. They were pretty psyched yesterday about that new troops-rallying video from Minority Whip Eric Cantor (R-VA) that used Aerosmith's "Back in the Saddle" to declare that "The House GOP is back" thanks to the party's unanimous opposition to the stimulus.

But unfortunately, Aerosmith wasn't feeling the love. Cantor's clip has been pulled from YouTube after a copyright infringement claim made by Stage Three Music, which owns the rights to "Back in the Saddle."

The GOP's use of the tune "was something we, as the publishers, didn't approve and would not have approved without going to the writers," Connie Ashton, director of copyright and licensing at Stage Three, told me. "Aerosmith did not approve of its use and also wanted to have it taken down," she added.

Maybe Congressman Cantor could play this song instead for his party. It perfectly reflects how Cantor posted the song and of course, it is an official motto for his merry band of elephants, no matter who gets hurt.