Friday, December 26, 2008

Is This The Future For The Republican Party?

The Republican Party is doing some heavy soul searching these days. How will they recoup from the devastating losses in the House, the Senate and State Legislatures across the country (not to forget the White House of course). What is the vision for the GOP as a dwindling set of loyal opposition? Is there a set of policies or perhaps a specific focus such as health care? Or maybe some of their leaders just want more bitter partisan attacks, including ones that hinge on race.

From TPM:

If one of the Republican Party's challenges is how to effectively oppose the first black president without coming off as racist, one of the candidates for RNC chair is hardly off to a good start -- he is now distributing a CD that includes a racially-charged song called "Barack, The Magic Negro."

Chip Saltsman, the former campaign manager for Mike Huckabee, has distributed a goodie bag to committee members that includes a CD by Paul Shanklin, a writer of right-wing parody tunes who is often featured on Rush Limbaugh. The "Magic Negro" track, which first gathered controversy in the Spring of 2007, featured Shanklin portraying Al Sharpton as an Amos & Andy stereotype, ridiculing white liberals who support Obama.

So that's how you try and woo over Republican officials to make you king of the party? I surely hope that those getting their goodie bags are throwing away that racist crap as soon as they lay eyes on it. If they do not, that thinking is going to doom them for years to come as the majority of this nation progresses on the long road to racial harmony....while they're stuck in the ditch.