Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Stevens Proclaims His Innocence, Proves He Has No Shame Or Remorse

Even John McCain has called on his fellow Republican Senator Ted Stevens to resign, but that isn't slowing down the 84 year old convicted felon. Despite being convicted of several felonies, he is out and about, proclaiming his innocence with plenty of his conservative buddies saying that he wasn't tried with a jury of his peers, even though he lives in D.C. Listen to this crap he has to say for his convicted self:

Alaskan voters, regardless of party need to look at the race between Stevens and Begich again, because if they think that Sarah Palin is a national embarrassment to them, then having a convicted felon represent them takes that shame to a whole new level.

Give Mark Begich a hand so that Alaska can finally get rid of their shameful Senator.