Wednesday, October 01, 2008

No Sarah, It Isn't A Choice

Sarah Palin is known as a right-wing ideologue with very narrow-minded views about those that differ from her in the eyes of (her) lord. In the on-going interview with Katie Couric, Palin tried to temper people's perception of her hateful views by using the now cliché "Some of my best friends are gay." Actually it is just one friend, but when you see what she said, there is a lot more to it than just her single, solitary friend.

From The NY Daily News:

Sarah Palin, the socially conservative GOP veep nominee, is not opposed to gay people. Heck, some of her best friends are gay.

"I am not going to judge Americans and the decisions that they make in their adult personal relationships," Palin told CBS' Katie Couric Tuesday night when asked about churches, including Palin's, that promote conferences to convert gays into heterosexuals through prayer.

"I have one of my absolute best friends for the last 30 years who happens to be gay and I love her dearly," Palin said, without mentioning names. "And she is not my gay friend, she is one of my best friends who happens to have made a choice that isn't a choice that I have made."

Your friend made a choice? Was it a choice of hers to tell you that she was gay? It certainly isn't what you insinuate, because being gay isn't a choice Sarah. Maybe you are gay but haven't made the choice to say it outloud, because that would be the only way for you and your friend to make different choices on this particular issue.

Oh and what would a story about Sarah Palin be without a lie. Here she clearly admits she thinks that it is a choice to be gay, but when asked about the issue by Charlie Gibson just a few days ago, you feigned ignorance on the matter.

What we do know about Sarah Palin and gay rights is much more straight-forward (no pun intended). Palin is a member of a church that promotes conversion for gays to become straight (and for Jews to be converted to Christianity too). In the legislative arena, she was in favor of making sure that same-sex couples were denied the rights afforded to heterosexuals.

I know Sarah Palin is full of shit when it comes to GLBT issues, but I have to wonder, who is this friend of hers and how can you stand a woman that wants to strip your rights as an American and clearly sees you as inferior to herself?