Monday, October 13, 2008

McCain Manager Plays Grimy And Tired P.O.W. Card To Excuse The Racial Hate Of His Supporters

As John McCain continues to struggle on the campaign trail with a pathetic "comeback" speech today, his campaign manager is using the same P.O.W.erless tricks that have contributed to the candidate's demise. Over the last week, McPalin and Co. have gone more overtly with the most despicable campaign tactics out there. Especially with Sarah Palin, key words are used that incite racial hatred and bigotry towards Barack Obama. They clearly cannot compete when it comes to important issus and solutions, so this is the level that they revert and regress to. When the campaing is asked to defend the hate speech of what is left in McCain's corner, Rick Davis goes for the P.O.W. card yet again. Not only that, but he adds an extra heap of hilarity on top.

From RawStory:

After inflammatory speech at events for Republican presidential candidate John McCain made headlines this weekend, Democratic lawmaker John Lewis compared McCain to 1960s segregationist George Wallace.

Chris Wallace of Fox News Sunday asked Davis if McCain and Palin bear any responsibility for their supporters calls of violence when attack ads and stump speeches call Obama a "liar" and a "terrorist."

This is how Davis responded: "Barack Obama should apologize to John McCain directly for the kinds of comments made by Joe Lewis yesterday and that should be the end of this sordid affair."[...]

Davis called Lewis' comparison "outrageous" because McCain was undergoing oppression in a prison camp at the time of Wallace's hateful speeches.

"Where was John McCain when George Wallace was spreading his hate and segregationist policies at that time?" Davis said. "He was in a Vietnam prison camp serving his country with his civil rights also denied. Nobody knows sacrifice like John McCain does."
Well Rick, I'll tell you where John McCain is right now with the hate he is helping to foment, right smack in the middle of it all. At this point, I don't care where John McCain was when Wallace was in power (though by the way his famous segregationist speech was in 1963, before McCain crashed his plane and was taken prisoner by the North Vietnamese). Davis doesn't know his history and is obviously clueless that the talking points that were devised of in the summer are not working with an electorate that is paying attention here in the fall.