Thursday, August 14, 2008

Denver Goes "Gitmo" For DNC

When faced with the decision of going to the DNC Convention in Denver or Netroots Nation in Austin, I picked the latter. Damn am I glad to have done that, because participating in a convention where the local police have created their own little Guantanamo Bay is shocking and disgusting. A local reporter snuck into the facility to show us all what lengths the DPD went to.

From The Colorado Independent:

The convention jail is located in a warehouse northeast of Denver, and when Sallinger arrived unannounced with a camera crew to shoot the facility, the door was wide open, allowing the disturbing images of caged holding pens to be broadcast on TVs across the metro area:
Investigative reporter Rick Sallinger discovered the location and managed to get inside Tuesday for a look. The newly created lockup, in a warehouse northeast of Denver, contains dozens of metal cages made of chain-link fence material, topped by rolls of barbed wire.

Each of these fenced-in areas is about 15 feet by 15 feet, with a lock on the door.

A sign on the wall reads "Warning, electric stun devices used in this facility."
A representative with the Sheriff's Department later showed up to kick Sallinger and his posse out of the warehouse area and wouldn't comment on the building or the cages.

Although the city is now expected to release a statement on the jail next week, such an astounding discovery is no doubt a gargantuan gaffe and embarrassment for the Sheriff's Department.

Forget the flushed cheeks of the Sheriff's Department for a minute and think about how they are planning on treating those that are detained at the convention. This warehouse jail isn't meant for robbers, rapists and murders. It was constructed for those that have dissenting views from the DNC, no matter whether the arrestees are on either side of the political spectrum or off it all-together. People have the right to assemble, it is written in the friggin Constitution and this increasing police-state society is seriously getting in the way of that right.