Thursday, August 07, 2008

Dave Pollak Tapped To Run Obama's NY Operation

I have heard criticism that the Obama campaign should have had a state director here by now, since New York is an important part of the puzzle to winning a Presidential election. Not only is the money a good thing to have, but the citizen power that drives up voter participation and swing state outreach as well. Now the critics are silenced on the issue, because Dave Pollak has been chosen to run the state office.

Dave has been an active member in the New York political...and dare I say, progressive scene. He started Democratic Leadership for the 21st Century here in New York and co-chaired the NY Democratic Party as well. He's been to YearlyKos and knows the power of the netroots. He's a fantastic addition to the Obama team and has an equally impressive group of New Yorkers on his side as we work together to elect Barack Obama as our next President.

Additionally, Pollak has already been heavily involved with the NYSDC and DNC when it comes to voter outreach in this campaign cycle, so it is nice to know we are in good hands.