Friday, June 27, 2008

Scalia Helped Bush Steal 2000 Election, Now Blames Gore For It

Antonio Scalia and the word 'timidity' have never gotten along, but his statements to the UK Telegraph recently were just a bit over the top, for him that is. His decisions from the bench have been plenty bad over the years, but to claim that Gore is responsible for Scalia and four other justices overturning a Presidential election is just absurd.

From RawStory:

"Richard Nixon, when he lost to Kennedy thought that the election had been stolen in Chicago, which was very likely true with the system at the time," said Scalia. "But he did not even think about bringing a court challenge. That was his prerogative. So you know if you don't like it, don't blame it on me.

"I didn't bring it into the courts. Mr Gore brought it into the courts," he continued. "So if you don't like the courts getting involved talk to Mr Gore."

The first state court case in Florida was filed by Palm Beach County voters who felt they were disenfranchised by the infamous butterfly ballot design. It was the Bush Cheney campaign who first took the case to federal court, filing a federal lawsuit on Nov. 11, 2000. A complete timeline of the Florida fiasco is available here.

He went on to say he regretted being a part of it all and blah, blah, blah. Though how can you trust that if he doesn't even remember how it all went down? Scalia doesn't pay attention to the facts on most things, as Dean calls him, "intellectually bankrupt" along with the other four that decided for Bush and on all other matters he simply toes the radically conservative line, being as active as he can for the neo-con movement.