Friday, April 18, 2008

I Thought Baseless Attacks On San Fran Was A Republican Thing

San Francisco, for the most part has been known for decades a bastion for freedom, equality and liberty for its residents regardless of their gender, ethnicity or political views. For quite some time now Republicans have bashed the city with some of the most beautiful geography to rile up their supporters. Not too long ago Bill O'Reilly called on terrorist to bomb it. Most Independents and those on the left realize that those attacks are emblematic of lunacy at its finest and nothing more. Unfortunately that isn't how Hillary Clinton sees it, apparently she's joining the club that loves to hate on the liberal-leaning town.

From AmericaBlog:

Anyone else notice that Hillary and her staff keep gratuitously mentioning "San Francisco" when talking about Obama's "bitter" comments? Markos noticed it too: "I remember the good ol' days when only Republicans used to demonize San Francisco," Markos wrote yesterday. A DailyKos diarist noticed it too, as did the readers at popular gay news and culture site Datalounge. As did some folks interviewed by the SF Chronicle:
So the most shocking part of the whole incident, he said, has been the appearance that "Hillary Clinton wants to ... throw in with the critique from the far right" in appearing to feed the image of an out-of-touch "San Francisco-style Democrat."

It suggests "that the Clintons are so committed to the political tactics that they'll do virtually anything to advance a step without regard for the long term implications," he said. "Most Democrats and most Republicans will not attack their opponent in such a way as to give massive fodder to the other side in the general election."

But "she's just writing the playbook for the Republicans in November..."
And we all know what San Francisco is code for. Now let's examine what Hillary was after. From the NYT:
Some Clinton advisers also said that the focus on Mr. Obama’s “guns or religion” comment was a way to put him on the spot with so-called values voters...
Value voters. That's PC media slang for the religious right....

The article goes on to ask why, why, why does she continue to talk badly about San Francisco. Well it seems that it is something to do with those "Values Voters" and what they see as the biggest problem on the peninsula, teh gays.

See, Hillary Clinton had no problem going to the center to run in New York as a Senator. All she had to do was do okay upstate and crush her opponent down here in NYC. Now that she is running nation-wide and as a proud member of the DLC, her belief is that she has to go as far right as possible with those that hear the "coded" messages while still talking about bringing the troops home to us on the left (really, the majority of Americans). It is quite a tightrope that she walks day in and day out and it would be impressive if it weren't so sad to see a woman that doesn't care about her principles because they are clouded by the desire to win at all costs.

Senator Clinton needs to realize that everyone who votes has values, though I feel that she just doesn't get it and frankly never will. I hope and pray that this ends as soon as possible, and we can finally have our nominee.

Yes we can!