Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday Morning Links

I used to watch cartoons on Saturday I link links. Funny thing is, both amuse me at the same level, there's just twenty years in between.

  • So you know that "Stimulus" that Bush proposed and Democrats are eager to pass? Well it's really more of a swindle than anything. Guess where the biggest chunk of that tax rebate goes to? It's definitely not coming our way.
  • Everyone outside the media (and Tom Brokaw) agree that the media is ruining everything about politics. Jon Stewart loves to rip them over and over again, so why not have a professor of journalism at NYU get into the nitty gritty of the independent mindless herd.
  • Did that report about NYC's top sushi spots having ridiculous amounts of mercury bum you out? Or are you one of those people that don't care how much of that temperature gauge stuff you ingest? Well why not stick to the miso soup tonight and think about where that mercury actually comes from and why the fish have it in their systems in the first place.
  • Keith Olbermann reports to DailyKos (and that show on MSNBC) that our new Attorney General Michael Mukasey actually hangs a picture of George Orwell in his office. How apropos!
  • And finally, the universe has thrown a huge 800 foot rock in our direction next week, but don't worry, it'll miss us by a mere 344,000 miles. Whew, that was a close one!
