John Edwards got the sweetest gift last night and it beats out anything he's done for his campaign (attending the WGA East protest, etc) this week. It didn't happen at a labor rally, a progressive meetup or anything Democratic. No, this was during the post-debate wrap-up on CNN last night.
From Crooks and Liars:
During the post-debate show last night, CNN’s Erica Hill asked her room full of undecided Republican voters for a show of hands to see if any had settled on a candidate and there was a lot of shaking heads but not one hand raised.
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But what really made the moment special was one undecided Republican voter who thought she ‘may’ have finally decided:
Sharon: “I think if the Democrats have John Edwards, I’d vote for John Edwards.” … “I had thought about Giuliani, I had thought about Mitt Romney, also Fred Thompson. I don’t care for his TV shows but you know, I thought maybe him being an actor that was just a persona and it’s not.”
Damn, thats gotta hurt for Freddie and the rest of the Republican bunch. It just goes to show that no one has really settled on a candidate over there on the right. That is because there is nothing to the eight white men on the stage. They are not in it to change America for the better, it is about winning for some...and making America less democratic for rest. Edwards actually speaks to most Americans because he is standing up for progressive principles...and like it or not, many Americans believe the same way at their core.