Friday, June 22, 2007

"Mobster" Rudy Furious At Bloomie

After claiming that his "mafia" impressions are better than Hillary's, there might more to the mafioso persona than just imitating 'Godfather' scenes. Bloomberg's big news has been taken in stride by the Republican nominee, but in private it is a different manner. Aides are saying that Bloomberg has betrayed his loyalty to Rudy and committed deception. How pathetically vain can the son of a mafia-connected father can he be?


"I like Mike very much," Giuliani said Wednesday. "I am disappointed he left the Republican Party. I still respect what he has done as mayor."

But behind the scenes, his loyalists are blasting what they call Bloomberg's betrayal of his political mentor.

"We're already hearing loyalty, deception -- I'm telling you, this is the next great soap opera," Reiter said.

'Soap opera' may be a better term than some sort of political mob war. That doesn't mean that the clash of egos will be great fireworks to see. A Bloomberg candidacy is more apt to hurt the Democratic field because our mayor's politics, but you never know how Giuliani will react if Bloomberg makes it official.