Friday, May 11, 2007

Powell's Chief Of Staff Calls For Impeachment

The case for impeaching the President and Dick Cheney is as clear as crystal. The high crimes and misdemeanors could fill a novel (well maybe not that long, perhaps a good size essay though). For far too long, only those on the left have had the courage to speak up about it. They were called traitors, commies, unpatriotic and crazy for telling the truth about the Bush Administration.

Now times, they are a changing. Four in ten Americans believe that impeachment is necessary to stop the abuses of power committed by Dick and Bush. And out of those four, not all are necessarily on the left. Lawrence Wilkerson is an advocate for impeaching and he happens to be the former Chief of Staff for Secretary of State Colin Powell. Hardly a candidate to be accused of being a commie liberal.

From AfterDowningStreet:

Wilkerson is a Retired Army Colonel, the former Chief of Staff at the State Department from 2002 to 2005 under then Secretary of State Colin Powell, a Vietnam War veteran, the former Acting Director of the Marine Corps War College at Quantico, and currently a teacher of national security at William and Mary College.

The program, On Point, was hosted by Tom Ashbrook, who focused the discussion on a need for greater public accountability for the Iraq War, but who maintained that the public was not outraged or interested. (Ashbrook should read some polls and invite on organizers of the impeachment movement.)

Also on the program was Ken Adelman, who promoted the war and said it would be "a cakewalk". Adelman argued a case for not holding public officials accountable.

Wilkerson said in early comments on the show: "This administration doesn't know how to effect accountability in my opinion." But he did not raise the possibility of impeachment until after a member of the audience had phoned in.

Ashbrook is right and wrong at the same time. There is a segment of the population that is actively engaged in getting the Prez and VP out by an act of Congress. Yet many people are more interested in other things (Have you seen the Spiderman 3 hype?) other than politics.

Thankfully we have people out there like Wilkerson who realizes the damage the Administration has done and what it would take to stop the madness. I've been a fan of impeachment for some time now and it is good to see the crowd getting larger and more diverse. Of course seeing it through is highly unlikely with the makeup of the current Congress, but unless we keeping pushing, we'll never get anywhere.