Sunday, April 29, 2007

Gonzales Protested At His Harvard Law Reunion

How Harvard let him even come near the law school is amazing to me. In the last few years and especially the last few weeks, the Attorney General has shown nothing but the utmost disrespect for the law. Being Bush's loyal lawyer and AG has led to the most incredible abuses of power this country has ever seen. Thankfully there were some lawyers-to-be up in Cambridge to let him know he is not appreciated in the legal community.

From RawStory:

Student protesters wearing hoods and Guantanamo Bay garb found their way into the US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales' 25th Harvard Law School reunion Saturday.

A release sent by the group to RAW STORY claims Gonzales was "forced to leave through a back door."

Gonzales apparently arrived unnannounced. Students met him and his fellow classmates outside the law library where the class of 1982 had posed for a photo.

As the photographer said cheese, the group said students yelled that "torture," "resign" or "I don't recall" might be more appropriate.

Gonzales just doesn't get it. He feels free to go around and pretend he is a well-respected lawyer because he is technically the nation's top lawyer. Yet when this nation is constantly being dragged down into the depths of potential autocracy while he is giving it the green light, he deserves no respect at all.

Second year law student Deborah Popowski had a much more personal encounter. After hearing that he was on campus, she rushed down to the event to personally tell Gonzales how she felt. She said, "I'd like to tell you that we are ashamed to have you as an alumnus of this school. And we're glad you're here to be able to tell you that." Gonzales allegedly tried to play stupid by offering to shake her hand, but she refused to do so. Good for Deborah and the entire group that went down to protest Gonzales and all that he represents.