Thursday, December 06, 2007

Thank You Tom Tancredo

Yes thats right, I extend a big thank you to the joke of a Presidential candidate and many others that share his hate towards those that aren't white and want to live in America. Their xenophobia of brown people is overwhelming, prompting even the moron-in-chief George Bush to try and take a more moderate tack concerning immigration and the United States. The wingers didn't allow George to get anything passed, so they are continuing their thinly veiled hate towards those of another ethnicity. Too bad for them it is turning what will potentially be the largest voting bloc in the country in years to come.

From Fox News (of all places):

By 57 percent to 23 percent, more Hispanic registered voters say they favor Democrats than Republicans, according to a survey by the nonpartisan Pew Hispanic Center.

That 34 percentage point Democratic edge — which includes people who said they lean toward either party — has grown since July 2006, when a Pew poll measured a 21 point difference. Then, 49 percent of registered Hispanic voters said they favored Democrats and 28 percent chose Republicans.

Well, well now, isn't that interesting. Why on Earth would a group generally considered to be socially conservative continue to heavily lean towards the Democrats? Sometimes respecting...and getting the respect you deserve regardless of skin color makes a tremendous difference in who you vote for on election day.