Friday, December 07, 2007

Military Families Abandon Bush

While Fox News tries to spin that George Bush is gaining popularity (their 37% approval rating is supposed to be uplifting to wingnuts), military families are increasingly disappointed in the President. A recent poll shows bad news for George, where sixty percent do not like his handling of the war and only 37 percent approve of him at all. This of course, is much, much different than a few years ago.

From RawStory:

"Patience with the war, which has now lasted longer than the U.S. involvement in World War II, is wearing thin -- particularly among families who have sent a service member to the conflict," reports the Los Angeles Times' Faye Fiore. "One-quarter say American troops should stay 'as long as it takes to win.' Nearly seven in 10 favor a withdrawal within the coming year or 'right away.'"

The new numbers stand in stark contrast to a poll of military families conducted by the University of Pennsylvania three years ago, in which twice as many individuals approved of the president's performance.

The poll also finds more support for Democrats than Republicans when it comes to "treatment" of active-duty military personnel, indicating that a "plurality of military-family members, 39 percent, say they believe Democrats are likely to do a better job handling those issues, compared with 35 percent for Republicans," according to Bloomberg news.

Generally, military families stay with the President in wars, but not in this case. In Iraq, there is nothing good to be seen coming out of Iraq. Our troops are dying for no good reason, even while Bush continues to parrot the same tired old lines. After awhile, more and more people will continue to abandon this bastard, how on Earth there are still supporters is flabbergasting.