Sunday, December 16, 2007

Lieberman Makes A "Maverick" Endorsement

Remember Joe Lieberman, the former Democratic Senator from Connecticut turned Independent sell out? Yeah, well he's still in the Senate, for another goddamn five years and is guaranteed to cause trouble throughout. He'll lose much of his umph in the Senate once the Democratic Party pads its majority next year, so he's coming out swinging this holiday season. Holy Joe has gone to the extreme of endorsing a candidate for President, and do not even think there is a "D" after their name.

From The Politico:

Sen. Joseph Lieberman (Conn.), who was on the national Democratic ticket in 2000, will cross the aisle to endorse Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) tomorrow, Republican sources said.

The two will appear together on NBC's "Today" show tomorrow, then at an 8 a.m. town hall meeting in Hillsborough, N.H. They will talk with reporters after the meeting.

The move, which will help cultivate McCain's moderate status, is an effort to draw attention to the McCain campaign, which needs a splash. Otherwise, it does not make sense for McCain because it will only remind core Republicans why they distrust him.

Nothing about McCain's campaign makes sense, the man is a sellout to his "maverick" status and anything he has said that could be perceived as moderate was wiped out once he began smothering himself in everything George Bush and fundamental Christianity.

As for Lieberman, his time is over. His endorsement of McCain won't amount to a hill of beans in the Republican primary. Joe went from being the VP nominee for the Democrats in 2000, he's a has-been in 2008, just sitting around bidding his time until he gets a cushy job in the private sector in January 2013.