Thursday, January 08, 2009

Obama Gets Tough With Economic Stimulus

After putting Dianne Feinstein back into line with Leon Panetta as his pick to head the CIA, Obama is on to more important business. Getting fellow Democrats to STFU over appointees is necessary, but for the American people, getting a real economic stimulus bill passed quickly in this new Congress is absolutely essential.

From The Huffington Post:

WASHINGTON — President-elect Barack Obama said Thursday that the nation's recession could "linger for years" unless Congress acts to pump unprecedented sums from Washington into the U.S. economy, making his highest-profile case yet on an issue certain to define his early presidency.

"I don't believe it's too late to change course, but it will be if we don't take dramatic action as soon as possible," Obama said in a speech set to be delivered at George Mason University in Fairfax, Va., outside Washington. Excerpts from his prepared text were released in advance by his transition team.

"A bad situation could become dramatically worse," he added, painting a dire picture _ including double-digit unemployment and $1 trillion in lost economic activity _ that recalled the days of the Great Depression in the 1930s.

Originally Congress was supposed to have the bill ready by the time Obama takes office. Now with less than two weeks to go, "leaders" on the Hill aren't too sure about that. The new President isn't going for those kinds of stall tactics and is demanding action in the strongest terms. We can certainly take as much as rhetoric as Obama can dish out in order to pass that real economic reform America needs.