Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Kyl Continues GOP's Petty Grievances After Obama Asks It To End

Barack Obama gave a masterful speech yesterday. True, it may not have been as lofty as some may have hoped, but it laid out a clear message. That message is that we need to come together as a nation and work on the problems that we face. He was reinforcing his pragmatic vision for the country but for those that he chastised with generalities, well, they took offense, such as the petty Senator from Arizona, Jon Kyl.

From ThinkProgress:

His speech was not high-brow, it was more low-brow and a bit surprising in that regard,” said the Senate Minority Whip. […]

He took exception to Obama’s call for “an end to petty grievances” and a political truce in Washington.

“If the idea is we have to avoid controversy by getting in line behind his proposals, that’s not patriotism,” Kyl said. “If he is asking that everybody agree with him and thereby have a truce, that’s not going to work.”

Either Kyl is being deliberatively obtuse or is just too caught up in the spin that his party continues to let drool out of their collective orifaces. If he had been paying attention to what Obama has been saying for the last two years, Kyl would know that the President wants to put an end to dramatic outbursts such as Kyl's so that we can get down to the business of the country. It isn't only Obama's ideas that will come forth with a truce, but anyone's that will move the nation forward out of these dire times.