Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Barack Obama Becomes President, Chief Justice Roberts Forgets Constitution

I have to admit I teared up watching the inauguration of our new President. What a tremendous moment it was for all of us that worked to get him elected, voted for him and the country as a whole as we unify as a nation. Yet as the all important oath of office began, there was a little mix up in the ceremony. It seemed as if Barack Obama had trouble repeating the beginning of the sacred oath. Conservatives are already pouncing on him for it but of course, the truth of the matter escapes them.

From DailyKos:

Actually, it was Roberts that screwed up (23+ / 0-)

... he left out the part about defending the Constitution "against all enemies foreign and domestic".

Just wait: wingnuts will seize upon that to try to cast doubt on the legitimacy of Obama's presidency. "He didn't take the whole oath", they'll scream, "so he's not the President!!!"

And lo and behold, they already are.

I must say, it makes for an interesting start of the Obama Presidency to see the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court make a mess of the Constitution. Perhaps Roberts didn't want to talk about the enemies of the Constitution here at home, such as himself needs to brush up on his Constitutional knowledge..

Update: To respond to R Bent, he is correct, the quote to the DailyKos does not suffice, but the Frontpaged post does...and is still correct, it was Roberts that screwed up.