Saturday, October 04, 2008

Palin Hits Obama For Decrying War Crimes

Lindsay Graham says that the McCain campaign needs to unleash Sarah Palin quickly or else they're stupid. I wholeheartedly agree with the first part of that statement. We need more Sarah Palin out there on the campaign so we can hear about what a tremendous idiot she is. In Sarah's head, George Bush has done a heckuva job in Iraq and Afghanistan. Anyone that says otherwise hates America and for Barack Obama, isn't qualified to be Commander-in-Chief. That goes double if you don't like war crimes and carpet-bombing innocent civilians.

From RawStory:

In a remark that is sure to be controversial, Palin also told Cameron that Barack Obama's statements "about the war" should "disqualify someone from consideration as the next commander in chief," because "some of his comments about Afghanistan and what we're doing there -- supposedly just air-raiding villages and killing civilians -- that's reckless."

Time Magazine's Mark Halperin found Palin's implication that Obama ought to be "disqualified" as a candidate for his criticism of Bush administration policy unusual enough to be worth quoting at "The Page," though he did so without comment.

Palin's statement about Obama came in the course of some negative remarks about her earlier interviews with Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric. She confessed to Cameron that "the Sarah Palin in those interviews was a little bit annoyed," because the "media elite" expected her to answer the questions they asked instead of saying what she thought "Americans want to hear."
If Sarah Palin actually cared to read anything about what goes on outside of Wasilla, she'd know what happens in Afghanistan. Of course she doesn't and blindly attacks Obama without having a clue about war and what that means to the people that live in a war zone. Most Americans however, are opposed to war and especially war crimes. We want to get the hell out of Iraq, get the terrorists that got us and then get the f*&k out of there, so we can focus on what really matters, improving the quality of life here at home.

Mrs. Palin however, wants to talk to the public without anyone criticizing her or filtering through her lies. Americans can hear what she thinks she wants them to hear during the debate or in a 30 second ad. Otherwise, I think I'll take that filter, even if it is Katie Couric. Though I must say, Couric did a great job in showing just how "annoyed" Palin is with answering questions that might cause some concern for people choosing a President and a Vice-President. If you don't read newspapers, that is a problem. If you don't know of a Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade, that is a problem. If you want to make it illegal for a 15 year old child to have an abortion after being raped by her father, that is a problem.

Sarah Palin, I think we'll continue to get your statements with a strong filter, dontcha know?