Friday, October 03, 2008

McCain Operatives Think You're Stupid

John McCain and his henchmen obviously do not care much for the target voters they're going after. With every legitimate poll showing Obama's increasing lead, the powers that be are afraid of losing the nice hold they've had under Republican leadership (or lack therof). Since their ideas are tired and old, naturally they are employing the usual brand of GOP dirty tricks to get as many fearful votes as they can. The problem in 2008 is, no one is buying it anymore.

From The Guardian:

Barack Obama's campaign for the White House is receiving increasing complaints about scam pollsters involved in dirty tricks operations to discredit the Democratic candidate.

Victims claim the fake pollsters work insinuations into their questions, designed to damage Obama. Those targeted in swing states such as Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania include Jews, Christian evangelicals, Catholics and Latinos.

One of those to protest, Debbie Minden, who lives in a predominantly Jewish neighbourhood, Squirrel Hill, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, told the Guardian that the pollster had begun by asking her the usual questions about her background and who she would vote for.

But the pollster went on to ask Minden, who is Jewish, how she would vote if she knew that Obama was supported by Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that runs Gaza and was responsible for most of the suicide bombings against Israel. "It is scare tactics. It is terribly underhand," she said.

Debbie didn't believe their crap for one second and many other people are waking up to the fact that McCain and his people are using these tricks to sway voters. Lying comes easy to McCain, so we shouldn't expect anything different from those that work for him or are working to get him elected. As I mentioned earlier this week about push polls, the more that is written about them, the more people realize what is going on when its happening to them. You don't have to disconnect your phone like interviewee Joelna Marcus down in Florida, but recognizing the problem and telling your friends about it (especially ones that live in swing states like Ohio, Florida, Pennsylvania, etc) is more than half the battle.