Tuesday, November 13, 2007

O'Reilly Versus Stark, Bill Raises The Stakes

The feud between propagandist and wingnut extraordinaire Bill O'Reilly and blogger Mike Stark has been going on for quite sometime now. Stark calls in to Bill's radio show (among other wingnuts) to make a mockery of what Bill O represents. I must say that Stark excels at what he does.

In August O'Reilly sent a minion after the CEO of JetBlue at his home for sponsoring YearlyKos, so Stark went one for one and went to Bill's home over in Long Island. Stark told O'Reilly's neighbors about the sexual harassment lawsuit that Bill settled for millions with an ex-producer of his show. Now O'Reilly is trying to hit Mike personally, by expressing grievances with the dean of Stark's law school in Virginia.

From RawStory:

The letter to Stark's dean claims his actions "may constitute criminal harassment" under New York law, and it warns that a civil lawsuit could be headed Stark's way, he told RAW STORY.

While he acknowledges that some may take issue with his tactics, Stark said the letter was more about damaging his personal reputation than raising any serious legal concerns. He has followed up with a letter to Fox News CEO Roger Ailes requesting an apology "for the attempt to harass and intimidate me at my school place," but he's received no response from Fox.

"Ms. Brandi’s false and malicious assertions have the potential to redound to Fox’s negative benefit," Stark wrote to the network chief, "and Mr. O’Reilly’s bizarre abuse of the legal process reflects poorly upon the Fox News brand."

Oh Mike, that brand is long past saving. Don't hold your breath for any sort of an apology from Ailes or anyone else at Fox News.