Thursday, November 29, 2007

Giuliani Used Us

The man running for the nomination from the "moral values" party has a big problem. No we aren't talking about his affair, his three marriages, his toleration (gasp!) of abortion and gay marriage in the past or even his nasty and brutish attitude exhibited while Mayor of New York. This has to deal with his spending New Yorkers' tax dollars to fund his many rendezvous with his now-wife Judith out in the Hamptons before 9/11.

From The Politico:

As New York mayor, Rudy Giuliani billed obscure city agencies for tens of thousands of dollars in security expenses amassed during the time when he was beginning an extramarital relationship with future wife Judith Nathan in the Hamptons, according to previously undisclosed government records.

The documents, obtained by Politico under New York’s Freedom of Information Law, show that the mayoral costs had nothing to do with the functions of the little-known city offices that defrayed his tabs, including agencies responsible for regulating loft apartments, aiding the disabled and providing lawyers for indigent defendants.

At the time, the mayor’s office refused to explain the accounting to city auditors, citing “security.”

Security eh? Those Hamptons, what a dangerous place. Seriously though, it is abhorrent that the Mayor used money for city agencies so that Rudy could go out on the Island and cheat on his second wife. You would think that maybe he could spring for his own soirees.

Anderson Cooper confronted Rudy about the bombshell story last night at the CNN/YouTube debate and guess what....he denied it. Unfortunately for the people of the city and the nation, he won't answer exactly what is untrue. The Giuliani campaign then put the blame on the NYPD (ain't that nice) by saying they handled his security around the clock, so he had no idea what was going on.

Maybe he was clueless about these minor (dare I say, illegal) details. Cheating on your wife could occupy a lot of your head, managing your lies while being the most public person in a city of eight million. Oh wait a second, we are talking about Rudy, and the man could care less about who he hurts, whether it is his wife, his kids or the trust of the long as he wins in the end.