Monday, March 23, 2009

It's Never Sunny In Albany

Governor Paterson might be/should be feeling rather gloomy today with the news that his popularity ratings have dropped to Cheney-like numbers. When four out of five New Yorkers disapprove of how you are governing the state, there is a serious problem especially when Paterson had over 60% of the people behind him less than a year ago. Poor leadership is definitely a part of the problem but the way in which Albany operates (the Governor being responsible for a part of that) is detrimental as well. The irony surrounding "Sunshine week" highlights the darkness that envelops our state capitol.

From The NY Times:

ALBANY — Sunshine Week in the capital this year offered little reason to break out the sunscreen.

The seven-day period — a nationwide initiative promoting openness in government — was marked by Gov. David A. Paterson’s closed-door lunch for legislative leaders at the executive mansion on Thursday, where they discussed the $120 billion-plus budget, but declined to share details with reporters afterward.

The top Republicans in the Senate and the Assembly walked out of the luncheon early, griping on their way back to the Capitol that Democrats — who control both houses and the governor’s mansion — were intent on conducting the entire budget process in secret.

Meanwhile, the Senate planned to commemorate the week by passing a resolution calling on the governor to issue an official state proclamation recognizing Sunshine Week.
Ah, a proclamation! Now that will make everything better! Meanwhile the Senate...and the Assembly (or at least the leadership within each body) will work with the governor in secret away from the prying eyes of the people that elected them. This type of dysfunction can only breed mistrust by the voters and leads to exactly what Paterson doesn't want, his dismissal approval rating.