Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Bush's $490B Deficit Is Really $600 Billion

The White House announced yesterday that the budget deficit for FY 2009 was 'only' going to be around $490 billion dollars. That of course, is a far cry from the surpluses we saw under Clinton but hey, at least George Bush was giving us an honest account of where our nation stands and how much more of a burden we are putting on our children and future generations with this load of debt. Oh wait, who are we talking about here?

From ThinkProgress:

Yesterday, the White House “increased its estimate for next year’s deficit to nearly $490 billion, a record figure that will saddle the next president with deepening budget problems in his first year in office.” But, on ABC News’s Good Morning America today, Claire Shipman reported that the deficit is actually much higher because “creative White House accounting” didn’t include the war, the unemployment costs, Medicare fees, or the housing bill in its calculations. If those numbers are included, it brings “the grand total to about $600 billion.”

Um, yeah, what's $110 billion dollars anyways. The war is going to pay us back in spades, right wingers? The thing is, from the lowly pundits to the top of the White House, they are all a bunch of cheerleaders that rah-rah themselves in front of the public despite being down by 50 at the end of the 4th quarter.