Friday, February 08, 2008

Good For You Hillary

I know I don't say it much, but I'd like to congratulate the Senator from my state for taking a principled action on behalf of her daughter today. You see, David Shuster's comments the other night about the Clinton family pimping her daughter out were out of line. His pathetic attempt at an apology wasn't much better. So Hillary took the right action and canceled her appearance on MSNBC for a scheduled debate.

From The Huffington Post:

SEATTLE — A distasteful comment about Chelsea Clinton by an MSNBC anchor could imperil Hillary Rodham Clinton's participation in future presidential debates on the network, a Clinton spokesman said.

In a conference call with reporters, Clinton communications director Howard Wolfson on Friday excoriated MSNBC's David Shuster for suggesting the Clinton campaign had "pimped out" 27-year old Chelsea by having her place phone calls to celebrities and Democratic Party "superdelegates" on her mother's behalf.

Wolfson called Shuster's comment "beneath contempt" and disgusting.

"I, at this point, can't envision a scenario where we would continue to engage in debates on that network," he added.

I wouldn't want to go on MSNBC either, especially when you have buffoons like Chris Matthews who can't keep that misogynistic bullshit to himself and insists on continuing to attack Hillary for being a woman. Damnit Chris, there are plenty of reasons to go after her, but leave that stone age man thing at home. Then when you tack on David Shuster and Andrea Mitchell, the bloviating opinions would be too much for anyone to bear, even Mrs. Clinton.

Now if she would rescind her request to debate on Fox News, that would be real progress for her.