Saturday, November 10, 2007

Linky Linky

It may be Saturday, but there are still lots of stories going on, here are a few New York stories you might want to check out:

Norman Mailer
will be missed, he passed away last night at the age of 84. A wish to RIP to a quintessential New Yorker.

Broadway is officially on strike. Local One has halted work on all but eight shows. Don't worry though, if you still want to see the extravaganza at 'Young Frankenstein' despite the NYT's lousy review the union has an independent contract with the show.

The famous Illinoisan Arkansan New Yorker Hillary Clinton is getting more bad press, this time over not paying her waitress a tip and lying about it, then found to be planting questions in the audience while visiting Iowa. Bad times for the front-runner indeed.

Do you live somewhere outside Manhattan and secretly wished you did? Well you can get a prestigious address with no ridiculous high rent here.

And finally, Christmas is upon us in Midtown. Goodluck trying to get around that area for the next month and a half. I'll be avoiding Rockefeller Center as much as I do Times Square year-round.