Family Guy has to be one of the most intense cartoons on network television. It seems that a bunch of animated characters can take on almost any political issue out there and make you laugh out loud. Of course you may just laugh at the real life scenario without the cartoon commentary. When it comes to the religious right, their hypocritical actions are downright hilarious. Here we have a Ted Haggart tangent in a scene between Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell.
From C & L:
While searching for his missing beloved teddy bear Rupert, Stewie tells Brian that without him he'd be lonlier than Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell after the rapture. God I love this show.
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Robertson: Damn it, Jerry. Why are we the only ones still here?
Falwell: I don't know. We hated all the right things.
What comes next will make liberals laugh and evangelicals that adore these figures cringe.